Spending Money Lessons

Welcome to our page on spending money! We believe that understanding how to manage spending is a crucial skill in financial literacy. Our resources are designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of spending, including creating a budget, tracking expenses, and avoiding impulsive buying. Whether you’re a teacher, parent, or financial educator, our collection of lesson plans, worksheets, and activities will equip you with the tools you need to teach these critical skills and empower students to become responsible consumers. From managing everyday expenses to saving for big purchases, our materials will help students develop healthy financial habits and make informed decisions about their spending.

Main Page:

  • Spending Money and Consumer Math Lessons

  • Additional Lessons:

    How to Balance Short-Term vs. Long-Term Financial Goals Lesson

    A lesson for students on how to balance and prioritize between short-term and long-term financial goals, laying a foundation for a stable and independent financial future. Students learn about setting and prioritizing financial goals through a video lesson. In this video, viewers will delve into the significance of balancing short-term and long-term financial goals to … Continue reading How to Balance Short-Term vs. Long-Term Financial Goals Lesson

    How to Set Financial Goals Lesson

    A lesson for students on how to build wealth and navigate your financial future by setting solid and achievable goals with our step-by-step guide. Covers everything from prioritizing objectives and creating SMART goals to budgeting and progress tracking. Students learn about shaping their financial futures in this insightful lesson, which underscores the importance of understanding … Continue reading How to Set Financial Goals Lesson

    Using the MI Chat to Learn about Budgeting for School Supplies Lesson

    In this lesson, students grasp the importance and techniques of budgeting for school supplies using a video and the “MI chat” chatbot, which fosters deep understanding through critical inquiry and probing questions. Through discussions, interactive sessions, and hands-on budgeting activities, students are equipped to integrate budgeting principles into their daily lives and are assessed via … Continue reading Using the MI Chat to Learn about Budgeting for School Supplies Lesson

    Budgeting for School Supplies Lesson

    A lesson for students on budgeting for school supplies, focusing on understanding financial priorities, tracking expenses, and implementing cost-saving strategies. Students learn the essential steps to budgeting with a focus on school supplies. They begin by identifying their financial starting point, recognizing income sources such as allowances, savings, and part-time jobs. From there, they delve … Continue reading Budgeting for School Supplies Lesson

    Student Loans 101 Basics Lesson

    A lesson about about student loans, distinguishing between federal and private options, and understanding repayment strategies. Students gain knowledge on making informed decisions for education financing and avoiding potential pitfalls. Understand the fundamentals of student loans, both federal and private. Discover the differences between fixed and variable interest rates, as well as the ins and … Continue reading Student Loans 101 Basics Lesson

    What is a Debit Card Lesson

    A lesson on banking basics and the essentials of debit cards including how they function, their benefits and drawbacks, and tips for wise usage. Students learn how to manage their debit card use responsibly. This lesson covers what a debit card is, how it functions, and how it’s linked directly to your bank account for … Continue reading What is a Debit Card Lesson