A unit on checking.
Teaching Objectives:
- Students will be able to fill out a check with 90% accuracy
- Students will be able to explain all 6 parts of completing a check with 90% accuracy.
- How to Write a Check
- How to Make a Deposit
- Balancing your Check Register
- Simulation of an Auction
Suggested Grade Level
6th – 12th Grade
Lesson Excerpt:
Directions: You have a beginning balance of $250.00. You purchase food at Wendy’ son November 16, 2004 or $15.68. Next, you receive a check on November 17, 2004 or $46.78 and deposit it into your account. Finally, you write another check to Dillard’s on November 18, 2004 or the shoes you buy that cost $125.07. Please fill out the checks and the deposit slip completely, and record the information into the check register to indicate your remaining balance.