Students learn money math.
Table of Contents:
- Foreword
- Correlations to NCTM Principles and Standards of Mathematics
- Lesson 1 The Secret to Becoming a Millionaire
- Lesson 2 Wallpaper Woes
- Lesson 3 Math and Taxes: A Pair to Count On
- Lesson 4 Spreading the Budget
Suggested Grade Level
4th – 8th Grade
Lesson Excerpt:
Let’s face it—kids like money. So, what better way to help young people embrace math than by teaching them about money…and what better reason can we give them for learning math? Through Money Math: Lessons for Life, middle grade students apply math skills to some of life’s costly challenges, learning important personal finance concepts along the way. This wonderfully integrated teaching resource complements what students will likely learn before and afterward, because financial education isn’t a one-shot deal and financial literacy requires a lifetime of learning. The Jump$tart Coalition is proud to continue to support this updated curriculum.