Making Money – Financial Aspects of Employment

This lesson introduces students with making money and the various topics related to career planning and the financial aspects of employment.

Teaching Objectives:

  • Know the phases of the career-planning process
  • Identify and apply for employment
  • Understand the interview process
  • Understand some of the hidden costs of a job
  • Understand some of the benefits companies often offer employees
  • Interpret a pay stub


Suggested Grade Level

7th Grade – 12th Grade

Lesson Excerpt:

Building your career is one of the surest ways to increase income and make money. When planning for the future, one of the most critical financial decisions is determining your career path.

In this lesson, students will be encouraged to consider various topics related to career planningand the financial aspects of employment. This variation of the decision-making process can help a person match personal abilities and interests with appropriate employment opportunities.

“How does a person apply for a job?” This is a question asked by many students. First students are informed of sources for identifying available employment positions. Next, various aspects of interviewing are discussed, as well as information on preparing for a job interview along with tips for successful interviewing.

Then, financial aspects of employment are considered, including the “hidden costs” of working and employee benefits. Finally, for students who have not worked in the past, information is offered about payroll taxes and other deductions from a person’s income.


Teacher’s Guide

Teacher’s Guide


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