Understanding your Money Habits


In this lesson, students learn to understand and identify what are their money habits.

Every money decision you make either reinforces good or bad money habits.  The first step toward creating good money habits is to first identify the money habits you currently have.

Distribute the attached worksheet to students.  They should first list the money habits they have, related to spending, saving, and sharing.  Then, they should identify each habit as either good or bad and state the reason why.

Give the students some examples of money habits to help them get started.  For example, seeing an item on sale at the store and buying it even though they did not go to the store for that item.  Or, saving $1 for each $10 they earn in a box they keep at home, etc.

After the students complete the worksheet, have a discussion about the positive and negative habits. What are the positive consequences of the positive habits they identified? What are the negative consequences of the negative habits?

Additional task: For each bad money habit, ask students to identify what they could do to improve that habit? Is there something they could do to replace the habit with another more positive habit?


9-12, Young adults


  • Understand money habits
  • Spending
  • Saving
  • Sharing
  • Money values and attitudes
  • Personal finance


Students will:

  • Describe their positive and negative money habits.
  • Learn to understand the difference between wise and unwise habits.
  • Identify ways to improve their spending decisions and behavior.


20 minutes

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One thought on “Understanding your Money Habits”

  1. Hello, I am a training coordinator who hosts trainings for adult helping professionals working with youth who are in or at high risk of entering the foster care system. I am wondering if you would be interested in contracting with us to teach one or a few workshops on how to teach budgeting to the helping professional clients? Is that something in your wheelhouse or do you happen to have any suggestions of someone else who might if you aren’t? Thank you for your work, you have put together some very thoughtful content.

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