LESSON DESCRIPTION In this lesson, students participate in a puzzle activity to identify leadership characteristics that Abraham Lincoln possessed. They review the changes in the redesigned $5 note and consider how Lincoln’s leadership characteristics contribute to the fact that he is pictured on the $5 note. Students look at a timeline of Lincoln’s life and … Continue reading Abraham Lincoln and the Five Dollar Note
Money Recognition Lessons
Welcome to our page on money recognition. We believe that the ability to recognize different forms of money is a fundamental skill in financial literacy. Our resources are designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of money recognition, including identifying different coins, bills, and their values. Whether you’re a teacher, parent, or financial educator, our collection of lesson plans, worksheets, and activities will equip you with the tools you need to teach these critical skills and empower students to become confident in handling money. From counting change to making purchases, our materials will help students master the skill of money recognition and become financially responsible individuals.
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What is Money?
Students learn what money is, including recognition of money. Teaching Objectives: Understand the exchange value of coins. Learn the names of coins. Suggested Grade Level Pre-K – 2nd Grade Lesson Excerpt: Money is the medium of exchange for most goods and services. Different coins and paper money have different values. Children need the ability to … Continue reading What is Money?