Careers Lessons

Welcome to our page on careers! We believe that understanding different career options and how to navigate the job market is an essential aspect of financial literacy. Our resources are designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of careers, including exploring different industries, developing job skills, and creating a career plan. Whether you’re a teacher, parent, or career counselor, our collection of lesson plans, worksheets, and activities will equip you with the tools you need to teach these critical skills and empower students to make informed decisions about their future career paths. From researching job opportunities to developing resumes and cover letters, our materials will help students prepare for success in the job market.

Main Page:

  • Career and Business Lessons

  • Additional Lessons:

    Becoming A Movie Director

    Learn what movie directors do and how a person can become one. Teaching Objectives: Students will be able to list the professionals with whom a movie director works and describe what each does. Students will be able to explain the various aspects of a movie director’s job. Students will be able to explain what is … Continue reading Becoming A Movie Director

    Becoming a Marine Biologist

    Learn about a career in the study of ocean life. Teaching Objectives: Students will understand that marine biologists are scientists who study ocean life. Students will be able to identify Jacques Cousteau. Students will be able to explain what a grant is. Students will be able to describe some of the job responsibilities of marine … Continue reading Becoming a Marine Biologist

    Protecting the Environment: Becoming an Environmental Engineer

    Learn how environmental engineers protect the environment and how a person can become one. Teaching Objectives: Students will be able to list and describe various capacities in which environmental engineers work. Students will understand that environmental engineers design ways to protect the environment. Students will understand that environmental engineers can work for companies or for … Continue reading Protecting the Environment: Becoming an Environmental Engineer

    More Career Planning Lessons

    Teach and learn basic career development planning skills, career exploration, and preparation. Click Here for more Career Planning Lessons