Earning Money Lessons

Welcome to our page on earning money! We believe that understanding how to earn and manage money is a crucial skill in financial literacy. Our resources are designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of earning money, including exploring different job opportunities, developing job skills, and creating a budget. Whether you’re a teacher, parent, or financial educator, our collection of lesson plans, worksheets, and activities will equip you with the tools you need to teach these critical skills and empower students to become financially responsible individuals. From identifying their strengths and interests to negotiating salaries and managing income, our materials will help students develop healthy financial habits and achieve financial success.

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  • Earning Money Lessons

  • Additional Lessons:

    Allowances and Spending Plans

    Students learn an introduction to allowances. Teaching Objectives: Recognize how to divide an allowance into a spending plan. Learn how to balance income and expenses. Gain confidence in preparing spending plans. Suggested Grade Level 3rd Grade – 6th Grade Lesson Excerpt: Children in grades three through six are capable of managing small amounts of money. … Continue reading Allowances and Spending Plans

    Earning Money

    Students learn about earning money, and how money is earned, is limited, and does not come free. Teaching Objectives: Recognize that money is earned from work done. Understand that money is limited in quantity. Suggested Grade Level Pre-K – 2nd Grade Lesson Excerpt: Adults must earn money to provide for their needs and wants. In … Continue reading Earning Money

    Managing Your Income

    The student will learn about managing their income. Teaching Objectives Identify the components of a budget. Evaluate the relationship between budgets and goals. Standard 1.1  The student will describe the importance of earning an income and explain how to manage personal income using a budget. Suggested Grade Level 6th – 12th Grade Lesson Excerpt: Most … Continue reading Managing Your Income


    The student will learn about setting goals. Teaching Objectives  Explain the reasons for setting goals.  Differentiate between short-term, medium-term, and long-term goals. Standard 1.  The student will describe the importance of earning an income and explain how to manage personal income using a budget. Suggested Grade Level 6th – 12th Grade Lesson Excerpt: Everyone has … Continue reading Goal-Setting

    Income and Taxes

    The student will learn about income and taxes. Teaching Objectives  Identify the different kinds of payroll deductions, including taxes and benefits.  Explain the difference between gross and net income.  Compute net income. Standard 1.1  The student will describe the importance of earning an income and explain how to manage personal income using a budget. Suggested … Continue reading Income and Taxes

    Jobs vs. Careers

    The student will describe the importance of earning an income and explain how to manage personal income using a budget.