Introduction: Economic Reasoning

Provides an overview to the economic way of thinking, which is the
underlying theme in the Personal Financial Literacy standards.

Teaching Objectives:

  • Identify the steps in economic reasoning.
  • Define the terms associated with economic reasoning.
  • Demonstrate the ability to apply economic reasoning.
  • Demonstrate the ability to use the PACED Decision-Making Model.

Suggested Grade Level

6th – 12th Grade

Lesson Excerpt:

To understand the roles of choices, we need to start by examining a typical day.
The alarm clock goes off and what happens? We make a choice. We can choose
to get up, hit the snooze button and sleep a little longer, or turn off the alarm
and sleep later. Once we get up, we choose what to wear, what to eat, where
to go, who to see, and when to go back to bed.



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Becoming an Animal Trainer

Learn what animal trainers do, where they work, and how a person can become an animal trainer.

Teaching Objectives:

  • Students will be able to list several places where an animal trainer might work.
  • Students will be able to explain various jobs that animals are trained to do.
  • Students will understand that animal trainers work in different capacities and may train animals to work, perform or behave.
  • Students will be able to describe how and why animal trainers might work with people.
  • Students will be able to explain how a person can become an animal trainer.

Suggested Grade Level

5th – 8th Grade

Lesson Excerpt:

People and animals have worked together for thousands of years, and there have been animal trainers since the times when camels were trained to provide transportation and dogs were trained as hunters. Today, animal trainers teach animals to do many things. Some animals, known as service animals, help people who can’t see, hear or walk. Others work with police to find bombs or drugs. Animals are also entertainers. They appear in movies or on television, and they perform in circuses, aquariums and zoos.

Animal trainers might work on the set of a movie or for a police department. They may work for an independent company or for themselves, training animals for other people. Animal trainers who work for zoos, aquariums and circuses are usually known as exotic animal trainers. There are also animal trainers who work with people who want help training their pets. The person may simply need to learn how to house-train a pet, or the pet might be doing something that is a problem that needs to be corrected, like biting or scratching furniture.

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Helping Athletes Compete: Becoming a Sports Therapist

Learn what sports therapists do and how a person can become one.

Teaching Objectives:

  • Students will be able to tell list the jobs that fall under the heading of sports therapist.
  • Students will be able to describe what each type of sports therapist does.
  • Students will be able to list places where a sports therapist might work.
  • Students will be able to explain how a person can become a sports therapist.

Suggested Grade Level

5th – 8th Grade

Lesson Excerpt:

Athletes, especially professional athletes, need a special kind of strength. They also need special care when they are injured. A sports therapist is a person who works with athletes to help them recover from injuries or develop their bodies in order to play a particular sport. There are a few different jobs that fall under the title of sports therapist. Strength and conditioning coaches and group exercise instructors guide training and workout sessions that help get athletes into shape and improve their performance. A personal trainer works with one athlete at a time and may help him or her get into shape, choose what to eat and what not to eat, and give other lifestyle advice that helps the athlete perform well. Massage therapists work with athletes who have sore or tight muscles. They may work for sports teams or in gyms, hospitals, fitness centers or spas. Physical therapists are specialists who help injured athletes to recover from muscle, joint, nerve or bone injuries. Physical therapists work for sports teams, in private offices or in hospitals.

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Becoming A Movie Director

Learn what movie directors do and how a person can become one.

Teaching Objectives:

  • Students will be able to list the professionals with whom a movie director works and describe what each does.
  • Students will be able to explain the various aspects of a movie director’s job.
  • Students will be able to explain what is meant by “blocking” a scene.
  • Students will be able to explain how a person can become a movie director.

Suggested Grade Level

5th – 8th Grade

Lesson Excerpt:

If you enjoy movies, you may have wondered how a movie is made. There are many things that happen before the movie is ready to be shown on the big screen, and most of these things are managed by a movie director. The director’s job is to guide all of the other people that work on the movie. These people include screenwriters, who write the play, cinematographers, who film the scenes, editors who put the scenes of the movie together and check for mistakes, and actors, who play the roles in the movie.

One of the jobs of a movie director is to “block” the scenes in the film. Each scene is filmed separately, and the director decides how the scene should be filmed and from what angle or “perspective.” They also decide when a scene should include a close-up and when it should be shot from a distance. Movie directors also set the schedule for the cast and crew. They decide which scenes will be filmed on which days and in what locations. The scenes of a movie are not filmed in order from beginning to end. Instead, they are grouped according to the location of the scene and the actors that are in the scene. Directors must also be sure that the expenses for a movie do not go over the movie’s budget.

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Multiplying Decimals and Calculating Costs

Students will learn to multiply decimals to calculate costs.

Teaching Objectives:

  • Students will review multiplying decimals.
  • Students will apply multiplying decimals to real life situations.
  • Students will practice these skills in their independent work.

Suggested Grade Level

6th – 9th Grade

Lesson Excerpt:

When working with money, you will notice that money amounts are written in decimal form. The numbers to the left of the decimal point represent the whole number or dollar amounts and the numbers to the right of the decimal point represent the parts of a dollar or the change.


This means that we have three dollars and forty- five cents.

You have been working with money for a long time. When we calculate costs, we work with decimals. To understand costs, you must have some facility with decimal operations.

For this lesson, we will be multiplying decimals and whole numbers. Let’s look at how we multiply decimals and whole numbers and then we can apply this in some real life situations.

How do we multiply decimals and whole numbers?

To multiply a decimal and a whole number, we can start by multiplying the two numbers as if the decimal point did not exist. Let’s look at an example.

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Becoming a Marine Biologist

Learn about a career in the study of ocean life.

Teaching Objectives:

  • Students will understand that marine biologists are scientists who study ocean life.
  • Students will be able to identify Jacques Cousteau.
  • Students will be able to explain what a grant is.
  • Students will be able to describe some of the job responsibilities of marine biologists and identify possible employers for members of this profession.
  • Students will be able to explain the ideal characteristics and interests for a person who wants to become a marine biologist.

Suggested Grade Level

5th – 8th Grade

Lesson Excerpt:

Marine biologists are scientists who study ocean life. They often work on boats and underwater, collecting samples to study in their labs. They use computers to collect, save and analyze the information they find. Marine biologists study all forms of life in the sea from tiny bacteria to giant whales. They study animal life and plant life as well. These scientists use special equipment, like deep-sea submersibles, which are vessels that transport them into the depths of the ocean to take pictures and do other research. In their labs, marine biologists study and test specimens to find answers to different questions about various species. For example, a marine biologist might study turtles to find out about their eggs, or they might study a particular species of fish to find out why they are getting sick or dying.

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Money Exchange from Foreign to US

Students will learn to exchange foreign money to American money.

Teaching Objectives:

  • Students will learn about exchange rates.
  • Students will learn about exchanging money.
  • Students will learn how to exchange foreign money to American dollars.

Suggested Grade Level

6th – 9th Grade

Lesson Excerpt:

What is money exchange?

Exchanging money happens when you travel from one country to another country. Different countries use different forms of currency. When you are in that particular country, you have to use the form of currency that is customary in that country. Otherwise, you won’t be able to purchase anything.

Exchanging money is a skill that you will need if you ever decide to travel outside of the Unites States. While some other countries do accept American money, most will make you exchange your money for the currency common in the country that you are visiting.

What is an exchange rate?

Money is exchanged according to an exchange rate.  An exchange rate tells you how much a particular form of currency is worth in another country.  The American dollar is worth certain amounts in different countries. Sometimes it is worth more and sometimes it is worth less.

Here is an example of an exchange rate.

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Cooking for a Living: Becoming a Chef

Learn what chefs do and how a person can become a chef.

Teaching Objectives:

  • Students will be able to list several places where a chef might work.
  • Students will be able to describe the main responsibilities of a head chef.
  • Students will be able to name other staff members that might work in a kitchen and describe the responsibilities of each.
  • Students will be able to explain how a person can become a chef.

Suggested Grade Level

5th – 8th Grade

Lesson Excerpt:

Chefs work in restaurants, hospitals, schools and other places where people are fed. Some work as caterers or as personal chefs for individuals. A chef’s job is to prepare meals, but chefs do much more than cook. A chef must decide what goes on an establishment’s menu. They must also choose the best ingredients for preparing meals. The best ingredients not only make the food taste good, but are also not too expensive. If a chef wants to make a dish that requires an expensive ingredient, he or she must consider whether customers will be willing to pay for that ingredient.

Chefs are also in charge of buying ingredients. They purchase meat, produce, spices and other ingredients from suppliers. Decisions on what and how much to buy depends on the size and type of establishment for which the chef works. For example, an expensive seafood restaurant does not require the same ingredients as a small pizzeria.

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Money Exchange

Students will learn about money exchange from US to foreign.

Teaching Objectives:

  • Students will learn about exchange rates.
  • Students will learn to identify different exchange rates.
  • Students will learn to figure out money amounts when exchanging US money to foreign money using exchange rates.

Suggested Grade Level

6th – 9th Grade

Lesson Excerpt:

There are many real life examples where you have to understand about math and money. When working with money, you need to know about fractions, decimals and percentages.  Sometimes you will need to add/subtract/multiply or divide.  One example where you need to understand math and money is when it comes to money exchange.

What is money exchange?

Money exchange is used when traveling between different countries that have different currency.  In the United States, we work with dollars.  In another country, you often won’t be able to use dollar bills. You will need to exchange your American money for money of whichever country you are visiting.  To do this, you will need to understand the exchange rate.

What is an exchange rate?

An exchange rate lets you know how much your dollar is worth in another country.  Different countries have different exchange rates. Based on the worth of the dollar, you will either have more currency in another country or less currency in that country.

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Protecting the Environment: Becoming an Environmental Engineer

Learn how environmental engineers protect the environment and how a person can become one.

Teaching Objectives:

  • Students will be able to list and describe various capacities in which environmental engineers work.
  • Students will understand that environmental engineers design ways to protect the environment.
  • Students will understand that environmental engineers can work for companies or for the government.
  • Students will be able to describe some ways in which environmental engineers prevent pollution.
  • Students will be able to describe what hazmats are and give examples.
  • Students will be able to explain the ideal characteristics and interests for a person who wants to become an environmental engineer.

Suggested Grade Level

5th – 9th Grade

Lesson Excerpt:

Environmental engineers find the best ways to protect the environment. They develop ways to dispose of trash, get clean drinking water to people and prevent or clean up pollution. Some environmental engineers work for the government, helping to develop and enforce laws that protect the environment. Others work for private companies, ensuring that the companies follow environmental protection laws. Still others work as consultants. Instead of working for a single company, consultants are hired to help different businesses design environmentally friendly ways to operate. For example, an oil company must follow certain laws about where or how they can drill. Environmental engineers develop systems for getting oil from the ground without violating these laws.

Environmental engineers also work to prevent and clean up pollution. Pollution comes from vehicle fumes, animal waste on farms, manufacturing and even litter on the street. Engineers design ways for people to create less trash. They also design systems that produce less pollution. In addition, environmental engineers create ways to safely dispose of hazmats (hazardous materials) such as paint, batteries, medical waste and waste from nuclear power plants.

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