In the weeks prior to the start of the unit, students track their expenditures during a two-week period. In class, students create a group presentation about personal and financial goals. Individually, students identify four personal goals and describe the related financial goals. With financial goals in mind, students work in pairs to complete a budget … Continue reading Developing a Budget
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Categories Budgeting, Tags 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade, 9th Grade, College
This lesson begins with dispelling common myths about millionaires through the interactive “Millionaire Quiz.” Students then have an opportunity to give their opinions of wealth in a brainstorming activity that culminates in a formalizing of the definition of wealth through the equation of “assets – liabilities = net worth.” Using a variety of interactives, students … Continue reading Budget to Save—The Balance Sheet
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For additional related lessons, explore our main category pages:
Categories Budgeting, Tags 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade, 9th Grade, College