Building and Maintaining Credit Lesson

This introductory lesson teaches important tips on how to build credit by using credit cards and loans responsibly, how to maintain good credit by making payments on time and keeping credit utilization low, and how to monitor credit reports to ensure accuracy.


Use this video lesson on the topic of building and maintaining credit. Learn basic credit and related concepts of:

  • Credit
  • Maintaining credit
  • Credit reporting agencies
  • Credit utilization
  • Improving credit score
  • Monitoring credit reports


9-12th grades


25-35 Minutes. It may be necessary to adjust the lesson plan and allocate more or less time to certain topics, depending on the needs and interests of the students.


Hand out the worksheet below (see the GET LESSON button near the bottom of the page).

Show students the video and have and have them complete the worksheet.  Review the questions on the worksheet.  A more comprehensive and detailed lesson plan can be accessed below for further instruction and study.

Building and Maintaining Credit

After watching the video, have students tell what the most important things they learned from the video.

Additional Resources

See our additional resources on credit:



Lesson Plan: Building and Maintaining Good Credit


Objective: Students will understand what credit is, why it matters, how to build credit, and how to maintain good credit. Additionally, they will take a quiz to assess their understanding of the key concepts presented in the video.


  • Video: “Building and Maintaining Good Credit”
  • Whiteboard or chalkboard
  • Markers or chalk
  • Handouts on credit reports and credit scores (see below)
  • Worksheet with multiple choice questions (see below)


Introduce the topic of credit and its importance in personal finance. Ask students if they have any experience with credit or know what it is. Show the video “Building and Maintaining Credit.”


Write the definition of credit on the board: “Credit is the ability to borrow money or obtain goods or services with the promise to pay later.” Discuss why credit matters, including its impact on interest rates, renting an apartment, and employment opportunities. Explain how to build credit using credit cards and loans, emphasizing the importance of making payments on time. Discuss how to maintain good credit by making payments on time and keeping credit utilization low. Show examples of things that can hurt credit scores, such as missed payments, defaulting on loans, and high debt-to-income ratios. Emphasize the importance of monitoring credit reports for errors and fraudulent activity. Provide handouts on credit reports and credit scores for students to take home.


Divide students into pairs.

Give each pair a scenario, such as “You want to rent an apartment but have no credit history” or “You have missed a credit card payment and your credit score has dropped.” Have students work together to come up with a plan to address the scenario and improve their credit. Have each pair share their plan with the class and discuss the pros and cons.


Review the key concepts of the lesson, including what credit is, why it matters, how to build credit, and how to maintain good credit. Emphasize the importance of responsible credit management and overall financial responsibility. Encourage students to continue learning about personal finance and credit management.


Observe student participation in class discussion and activity. Evaluate student comprehension of the material based on their answers to the scenario activity. Collect and review completed credit report and credit score handouts.

Building and Maintaining Credit

Building and Maintaining Credit


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2 thoughts on “Building and Maintaining Credit Lesson”

  1. I recently taught another one of your lessons on credit to my students, and it was a valuable experience. The video, activity, and handouts were effective tools that helped students understand the fundamental concepts of credit management. I plan on using this lesson again, as well as building upon it with other personal finance topics in the future. The importance of teaching financial literacy cannot be overstated, and I’m glad to have been able to provide my students with a solid foundation in this area. Thank you.

  2. I just wanted to say thanks for all the awesome resources you provide for teaching financial literacy. Your material was seriously helpful and I’ll definitely be using it again in the future. It’s great to have such valuable tools to support our students’ education on personal finance. Thanks again!

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