What is a slowsession?

What is a Slowcession – Slow Recession Lesson

The lesson is about understanding what is a slowcession. With a slowcession, or slow recession, economic growth slows down, but an economic downturn is avoided.


Use this video lesson on the topic of slowcession. With a slowsession, or slow recession, the Federal Reserve’s plan to raise interest rates hopefully helps lower inflation without causing a recession. Cheap oil prices, less inflation, and a strong housing market, are possible reasons for a slowsession. Learn basic economic and related concepts of

  • Recession
  • Slowcession
  • Inflation
  • Unemployment
  • Economic growth


7-12th grades. Middle School. High School. Adult Education.


45-60 Minutes. It may be necessary to adjust the lesson plan and allocate more or less time to certain topics, depending on the needs and interests of the students.


Hand out the worksheet below (see the GET LESSON button near the bottom of the page).

Show students the video and have and have them complete the worksheet.  Review the questions on the worksheet.  Complete the lesson plan below.

What is a Slowcession?

After watching the video, ask students to summarize the main points made in the video.

Lesson Plan:


  • Students will understand what a slowcession is and how it differs from a recession.


  • Lesson Video (see above)
  • Whiteboard or chalkboard
  • Markers or chalk
  • Handouts with examples of ways the government can help prevent a recession or slowcession


Ask students if they have heard of the term “recession” before.

Ask them to share what they know about a recession and write their responses on the board.

Direct Instruction:

Show students the video and worksheet.  Have students answer the questions on the worksheet.

Define a recession as a time when the economy is not doing well and many people lose their jobs and businesses struggle to make money.

Explain that a slowcession is similar to a recession, but the economy doesn’t get as bad.

Share examples of things that could help prevent a full-blown recession, such as lowering inflation and the government investing in infrastructure.

Guided Practice:

Have students work in pairs to come up with their own examples of ways the government can help prevent a recession or slowcession.

Have each pair share their ideas with the class and add them to the list on the board.

Independent Practice:

Hand out the handouts with additional examples of ways the government can help prevent a recession or slowcession.

Have students read the handout and identify which examples they think would be most effective.

Have them write a short paragraph explaining why they think their chosen examples would be most effective.


Review the list of ways the government can help prevent a recession or slowcession.

Ask students to share their thoughts on which methods they think would be most effective in preventing a recession or slowcession.

Summarize the main points of the lesson and review the definition of a slowcession.


Observe student participation during discussion and group work.

Review the paragraphs written by students explaining which examples they think would be most effective in preventing a recession or slowcession.

What is a slowsession?

First let’s make sure we understand what is a recession?

A recession is a time when the economy is not doing well and lots of people lose their jobs and businesses have trouble making money. A slowcession is similar, but the economy doesn’t get as bad as it does during a recession.

Some think a slowcession is more likely to happen in the U.S. this year than a full-blown recession. Even though the economy will face some challenges, like more unemployment and less growth, there are things that could help us avoid a full-blown recession.

For example, if inflation, which is when prices for things like food and gas go up, so it costs more money to buy things,   is high, it can be hard for people to afford the things they need.

However, if inflation  goes down and people keep spending money, it could help the economy not get as bad as a recession.

Many people are worried that a recession might happen this year, but some think it’s not a sure thing. They believe that if we’re lucky and the government makes smart decisions about how to handle the economy, we might be able to avoid a full-blown recession and just have a slowcession instead.

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