Tracking Your Money

The student will learn about checking,  the ability to balance a checkbook and reconcile financial accounts.

Teaching Objectives:

  • Explain the importance of reconciling a bank statement.
  •  Distinguish between using a check, ATM machine, and a debit card.
  •  Demonstrate the ability to balance a checkbook and reconcile a statement.

Standard 4: The student will demonstrate the ability to balance a checkbook and reconcile financial accounts.

Suggested Grade Level

6th – 12th Grade

Lesson Excerpt:

Even though many people use debit cards and credit cards to make purchases, there are over 70 million checks written in the United States each year. That is almost 20,000 checks every day! Checks, debit cards, and credit cards are substitutes for cash. Credit cards are more like loans, but checks and debit card transactions come directly out of your bank account. Knowing how to maintain a bank account can help prevent embarrassing and costly mistakes.



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