Renting an Apartment – Costs and Benefits

Students learn about renting and apartment including the costs and benefits.

Teaching Objectives:

  • Discuss the reasons that people rent.
  • Explain the elements of a standard lease agreement.
  • Recognize other costs involved in leasing an apartment or house, such as deposits, late fees, and utilities.
  • Evaluate the cost and benefits of renting.

Standard 10: The student will explain and compare the responsibilities of renting
versus buying a home.

Suggested Grade Level

7th – 12th Grade

Lesson Excerpt:

Almost everyone will rent a place to live at some point in their lives, and convenience is probably the primary reason that people choose this housing option. Renting a house or an apartment has many advantages over buying, depending upon a person’s needs. It also offers many choices to consider before signing a lease. Because a lease is a legal contract, it is important to understand the terms. Otherwise, that fun, cool place to live can become a financial nightmare.



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