What is a Checking Account Lesson

A lesson for students on the basics of understanding checking accounts, covering everything from core components to digital banking features. Also, gain essential tips on avoiding overdrafts and making smart financial choices.

Students learn the ins and outs of checking accounts, a crucial tool for managing personal finances. This lesson covers everything from the core components like Account Number, Routing Number, Debit Card, and Checks to everyday operations such as Deposits, Withdrawals, and Transfers. You’ll also gain behind-the-scenes knowledge with topics like Clearing and Settlement, automated processes vital for transactions. Additionally, the lesson provides essential tips on avoiding Overdrafts and how overdraft protection can save you from hefty fees. In the digital age, discover how mobile and online features have made managing checking accounts more convenient.


Use this video lesson on the topic of checking account basics. Learn related concepts of:

  • Banking Operations
  • Overdrafts
  • Digital Banking
  • Spending Plans
  • Financial Responsibility
  • Money Management
  • Banking Services
  • Financial Literacy
  • Risk Management
  • Electronic Services
  • Credit Management


7-12th grades. Middle School. High School. College. Adult Education.


45-60 minutes. It may be necessary to adjust the lesson plan and allocate more or less time to certain topics, depending on the needs and interests of the students.


Hand out the worksheet below (see the GET LESSON button near the bottom of the page).

Show students the video and have and have them complete the worksheet.  Review the questions on the worksheet.  A more comprehensive and detailed lesson plan can be accessed below for further instruction and study.

What is a Checking Account?

After watching the video, have students tell what the most important things they learned from the video.


Lesson Plan: Understanding Checking Accounts


  • By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
    • Define what a checking account is and differentiate it from a savings account.
    • Identify the core components of a checking account.
    • Explain how a checking account operates on a day-to-day basis.
    • Understand the terms ‘clearing’ and ‘settlement’ in the context of checking accounts.
    • Recognize the concept of overdrafts and its implications.
    • Discuss the impact of digital banking on checking accounts.
    • Engage with the “MI Chat chatbot” to reinforce concepts.


  • 1.5 hours

Materials Needed

  • Video: “What is a Checking Account?”
  • Whiteboard or Flipchart
  • Markers
  • Handouts for activities
  • Computers/Tablets for Quiz and Chatbot interaction

Lesson Outline

Introduction (5 minutes)

  1. Hook: Ask students, “How many of you have ever wondered where your money goes after it’s deposited in the bank?”
  2. Objective Sharing: Briefly outline what the lesson will cover.
  3. Importance: Emphasize that understanding checking accounts is crucial for effective personal financial management.

Video Viewing (10 minutes)

  1. Video: Play the video titled “What is a Checking Account?”
  2. Note-Taking: Encourage students to jot down key points while watching.

Discussion and Recap (10 minutes)

  1. Key Points: Summarize the core components of a checking account.
    • Account Number
    • Routing Number
    • Debit Card
    • Checks
  2. Discussion Questions:
    • What is the primary purpose of a checking account?
    • How does a checking account differ from a savings account?
    • Why is it essential to know your account and routing numbers?
    • What are some day-to-day operations you can perform with a checking account?

Activity 1: Scenarios (10 minutes)

  1. Objective: To understand how money moves in and out of a checking account.
  2. Instructions: Divide students into small groups. Provide handouts with different financial scenarios (e.g., receiving a paycheck, paying bills, transferring money).
  3. Outcome: Each group presents how they would handle each scenario using a checking account.

Activity 2: Clearing and Settlement Role Play (10 minutes)

  1. Objective: To understand the concepts of ‘clearing’ and ‘settlement’.
  2. Instructions: Assign roles to students (e.g., payer, payee, bank). Demonstrate a transaction and its clearing and settlement process.
  3. Outcome: Students should be able to explain what ‘clearing’ and ‘settlement’ mean.

Activity 3: MI Chat chatbot Interaction (15 minutes)

  1. Objective: Reinforce understanding of the video concepts through AI interaction.
  2. Instructions: Guide students on how to interact with the “MI Chat chatbot”. Let the chatbot ask questions regarding the video, and have students answer them.
  3. Outcome: Students receive immediate feedback from the chatbot, reinforcing their understanding of the lesson.

Quiz (5 minutes)

  1. Objective: To assess understanding of key concepts.
  2. Instructions: Students take a short quiz based on the video and lesson.
  3. Outcome: Quick review of answers and clarification of any misconceptions.

Wrap-up and Homework (5 minutes)

  1. Summary: Recap the importance of understanding checking accounts.
  2. Homework: Research different types of checking accounts and their features. Prepare a short write-up for the next class.


  • Participation in discussions and activities.
  • Performance on the quiz.
  • Interaction and responses with the “MI Chat chatbot”.
  • Homework assignment.

Additional Resources

  • Articles on the importance of managing checking accounts.
  • Online tools to simulate checking account activities.

Lesson Resources

MI Chat Chatbot Tool

  • What is a checking account questions with MI Chat chatbot – Use the MI Chat chatbot to test your students’ understanding of the lesson. The MI Chat chatbot is an interactive platform designed to deepen understanding of various subjects, aligning with specific queries and thoughts. Offering personalized insights, it directs users toward a clearer grasp of topics, ensuring they match their learning pace, knowledge level, and cognitive goals.

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